
  1. If you have not already done so, complete the required 2025 BTA Exhibitor Registration Form before submitting this Preference Form.
  2. Use this form to select a total of six (6) unique works of art from the de Young and the Legion of Honor. We cannot accept forms with fewer than 6 choices.
  3. We encourage you to select art from both museums.
  4. Submissions will be accepted until this form closes on Tuesday, March 4 at 4pm. You may submit multiple times during that period, but only your most recent submission will be recorded as your final choices.
  5. A paper copy of this form will be available at the Selection Day check-in area, if you prefer to write out your selections. Your selections will be entered into the Preference Form by the BTA Exhibitor team.

I acknowledge that I have submitted 6 unique works of art and the required 2025 BTA Exhibitor Registration Form. I understand that the BTA Exhibitor Committee will make every effort to ensure that I get one of my choices. The best way to ensure this is to submit the Preference Form on March 4th by 4:00 pm and to make six (6) unique selections. Forms that are submitted late, include duplicate selections, or list fewer than six choices cannot be accepted.